Friday, February 22, 2013

Pump the Breaks on Pride!

Do you ever feel that tug in your heart telling you to pump the breaks and slow down enough to let humility take over? I do. It's that whisper you hear saying, "STOP. Come to me. Don't think you can do this better on your own. I'll show you a new road filled with grace, truth, and favor."

 I fail daily at humbling myself before God, my spouse, friends, or co-workers. I let pride take the front seat, while humility escapes out of the back window and is quickly a forgotten command in the rear view mirror. Before I know it, my pride is taking me on a high speed chase down the wrong freeway, towards a cliff, a tall cliff in which I can't help but go over unless I humble myself before the Lord and call out to God for a change in direction. "Lord, hand me a map before pride takes me off the grid!"

 If you've ever been in a relationship (& I don't just mean one with the opposite sex), then pride has probably test driven through your bond with that person. Ladies, you know I'm speaking to you on this one! We have those prideful thoughts, "I look better than her. My outfit is cuter. I have a better job. My family is more normal!" GASP!!! Men, don't think you are getting off the hook that easy! "I have a better car than he does. I make more money than him."

Did you know that any thoughts, words or actions that compare yourself to another, excessive self-esteem, or any arrogance is PRIDE? Not only do those thoughts put God down, but harm your humility growth in the process. Can you imagine if your friend or spouse heard those prideful thoughts out-loud?! YIKES! If my pride was exposed more often, I probably wouldn't have a spouse, friends, or family, let alone a job. I need to keep this verse as a passenger in my heart, "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness." Corinthians 11:30.

I challenge you, next time you are feeling prideful, say that prideful thought out-loud, to yourself. How does it sound? When you say it, does it make you feel good about yourself? Is this thought or action competing with another person to be better? Can you see humility escaping out of the back seat window? If you said yes to any of the above, see below for ways to check your pride at the starting line, so you can end the race full of humility, reflecting God's glorious love & humble example!

When you are feeling prideful, go through this mental checklist to re-align yourself to God given humility.

Pride Check:
1. Is this thought/action pleasing to God?
2. Do my thoughts/actions align with God's word?
3. Do these thoughts/actions further God's kingdom or hinder my growth?
4. Would this thought/action negatively effect others?
5. Am I boasting my strengths or weaknesses?
6. Is this thought/action supposed to be kept between God & I?

Remember, James 4:6, "God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble." So today, I challenge you to humble yourself before the Lord and other's. Let humility be your gas pedal and pride be the break you quickly pump if your headed down the wrong road.

Want to read more on pride? 7 Things You Should Know About Pride