Thursday, February 14, 2008

Always Say Never.

"Love Never Fails." 1 Corinthians 13:8

Happy Valentine's Day! I thought it would be suiting to share a verse on love today! 1 Cor 13:8 is on my heart especially today. It's funny how God takes three simple words, yet puts so much meaning behind each one and behind the entire statement.

Let's start with the word Love, or, "Agape." Agape is God's self-sacrificing love for humanity. God looks at each one of us and covers us with His perfect agape. His agape is always right, gentle, free from judgement, and perfect in every way. As I write this, part of me wishes that our love as humans we're that way so we could never be let down or let others down. But as I think about it more, I'm happy God designed us to be 100% human. Designed to love as only we know how, imperfectly. If we are "imperfect" (and I hate to use that word, because that is NOT how God sees us) we can find God's loving perfection.

Never. Never in the dictionary is defined as, "not ever; at no time; absolutely not." What a discouraging word. Can you imagine if the word never was used on a daily basis in your life as a reference to things you wanted to accomplish, but knew you never could? What if instead the word Never was used in a positive way, as in "Never, Say Never!?" What a spin that puts on a situation with no hope.

Fails. The dictionary defines fail as, "to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved." What an awful feeling. I've been there my fair share of times and it's not pretty, but it is healthy. Not only does failure help you to grow, but it strengthens your relationship with God.

Let's look at the big picture now and see what God really wants us to understand here. Have you ever felt like you've loved someone so much only to feel left with nothing? Like your love failed, wasn't recieved, or not reciprocated? Well, I'm usually not one to intentionally discount feelings (unintentionally--yes, all the time!), but in this case I must. Guess what? These feelings are invalid. Even if the person you gave your love to didn't appreciate or accept it the way you may have wanted them to, doesn't mean it wasn't recieved by God.

God's love never fails, and guess what else? The good news is, neither does ours! He see's our loving intentions, is blessed by them, and stores them up as a treasure for us in heaven. So, today instead of dwelling on earthly love or feeling as if you don't have anyone to share this National Hallmark Holiday with, be filled with the love of God and know that no matter what, love never fails.

1 comment:

Alicat said...

Hey Meg,
I really liked the part of the Bible study last week that defined the different types of love philos and agape. What God is teaching me is that I am often disappointed when I try to do things on my own, soley in Philos, or freindship love. That's a great motivator to give, but it is born out of the 100% human side. That kind of love needs attention and a lot more affirmation. It doesn't recognize how much God recieves the gesture of love and how it brings glory to Him. When I surrender to Him to be filled with Spirit and agape, I am much more satisfied in giving/ serving. Love born out of agape involves the expression and experience not just the feeling. Like the greek word for "kind" in Galatians, meant to volunteer...It struck me that God is calling us beyond being "nice."
Just my two cents.