Thursday, October 16, 2014

Rooted In Faith

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, ROOTED and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colassians 2:6-7 

Paul wrote this to the Colassians in the New Testament to help them realize the fullness of Christ. He wanted them to understand that what they already believed about Jesus was true. Their foundation of faith in God had already been built and Paul was telling them that their faith needed to be lived out and “rooted” in order to grow. 

What do you think of when you think of the word root? Most commonly we think of it as the part of a tree that attaches deep into the ground for support. These roots usually go far underground to get water and nourishment to the rest of the tree through branches and fibers. I love that the root attaches to the ground for support so that the rest of it can thrive. Those small fibers are protected in the dirt from anything that may be going on above ground. Because of this protection, they can live a life to the fullest continuing to focus on their job of securing their roots in order for the rest of the tree to live. 

Isn’t that what Paul is trying to tell the Colassians (and us) to do here? He’s telling them that even the smallest fibers of our being can be rooted in faith to keep us grounded, supported, thriving, nourished, and living the faithful and thankful life we have been called to live. 

We must attach our roots (even the tiniest fibers of our being) to God to deepen our faith and live the life He is calling us too. He is our soil. Because of the foundation He has laid we can be deeply and firmly established right where we are, trusting that nothing can separate our deep roots from His loving arms. Though things happen around us and to us, our core cannot be shaken due to our firmly planted roots. Through this, we will sprout in our faith growing branches that extend to others, spreading leaves of thankfulness, and seeds of faith.

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