Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Will Not Be Silent Anymore!

(My Family At A Christmas Dinner A Few Days Ago)

It's that time of year again. The time of year when non-believing, anti-christian, "holiday" celebrating people complain when people say Merry Christmas. Half of the people who are offended by Christians saying this are the same people who are celebrating Christmas day with gifts and family and are thankful they have a couple free days off of work and an excuse to eat as many cookies as they want.

Seriously though, I'm not sure what irritates me more. These anti-"Merry Christmas-ers" who only want Americans to spread "Happy Holiday" cheer or the Christians who won't stand up for their faith, to be proud and thankful enough to say, "Merry Christmas" in case of offending co-workers, the check out clerk, or a neighbor you see only on Sunday nights taking out the trash.

What happened to the days when it was okay to say Merry Christmas without a fear of others taking offense and politely returning the holiday cheer with a warm smile, genuine thank you, and a merry x-mas to you too?! I must admit that I too had gotten caught up last year in the second guessing of my Christmas expressions, for fear of offending someone, until my pastor mentioned it in a sermon. He clearly and boldly proclaimed that we as Christians and Americans have the RIGHT to voice our faith and let others know the reason for the season is Jesus Christ! AMEN!

So, let's not get caught up in what our Jewish boss may think, how the wal-mart checker may react, or how our ba-hum-bug neighbor may avoid Sunday trash talk for the month of December. You never know when God could be using you to speak to these people and spread joy into their lives! Instead, let's be loud and proud, and not be silent anymore--spread the great news of Jesus' birthday, dance in your candy cane pajamas and slipper socks, sing off-key Christmas carols with joy, put baby Jesus in the manger (family tradition in my house---long story--I'll save it for another blog), and give thanks for the real reason for the season---Baby Jesus!

"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent...Oh Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!"
Psalm 30:11-12

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