Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Enjoy The Challenge.

"...Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. 'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,' they said." Acts 14:22

Last week my women's bible study started back up, after about a month off. After praying about which study to partake in I decided that I was being led to do a Beth Moore study called, "Living Beyond Yourself, Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit." I was also led to break away from my original bible study group consisting of all girls in their twenties, and join a group of older women so that I could be better discipled.

As last Wednesday approached I began to get anxious about not knowing which group I would be joining, being twenty-three and join a group of women age 50+ can be a bit intimidating. I was told to sign-in and pick a table which would then be my new bible study group. I walked into a room full of women I'd never seen before and quickly paced around the room hoping and praying someone would just ask me to sit down. It's funny how God works though...He doesn't always make it easy on us, in fact more times than not God provides a good challenge for us to learn and grow from. I know it sounds silly, but to me this was one of those challenges. Luckily, after a few minutes of stalling I ran into a woman I knew and she quickly and sweetly sat me at just the right table for me (thanks God). A small group, with only four other women. I knew they were excited and I could tell they knew I was nervous.

The bible study video began, and Beth Moore talked for almost an hour on Living Beyond Yourself. It was one of those nights where God has right where He wants you. You are in a great mood, have an open heart, and aren't distracted by the things that normally pick your brain. On this night not only was I nervous about the bible study group, but I was also overly consumed with school starting and not receiving my books in time and wondering why God is calling me into nursing when I am the most un-scientific person in the world. Don't even ask me how many times I have taken Chemistry :). I was truly doubting until I got into bible study and sat down.

Anyway, Beth Moore shared the verse above and it completely struck me in the place I was at that night...and even again as I read it today....

I was reminded that my purpose in life is to live beyond myself. Our faith isn't supposed to be easy, it's not going to be handed to us on a silver platter. Instead it is meant to be a stretch for us, but God never says it will be a stretch for Him. Having a relationship with God means living far beyond ourselves and remembering that in Christ we can do what we normally wouldn't be able too.

Beth Moore reminds us that through our relationship with Christ you can:
"Do things I couldn't, Feel things I didn't, and Know things I wouldn't."

Just the reminder I needed as I join a new bible study group which is outside of my comfort zone and as school begins, which I will only be able to accomplish and survive with Christ guiding me through each and every class.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Yup, You've Been Called!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

What's on your heart today? I know there's one thing that is in the fore-front of your mind and you're just wondering how it is all going to work out. You are stressed more than you can show, because others have been lead to believe that you have fully given your situation over to God, when in reality you are still trying to hold what is left of the situation it in your hands without letting it slip through.

So really, what is this so-called problem you face that is too big for God to handle? Ha. Too big for God. NOTHING is too big for God. If God can take ashes and make humans, He can also take your situation and work it out into good. So, right now...before reading anymore of this silly blog...stop and earnestly give it to Him. Whether big or small, life changing or day changing, He can take it and wants to use it because He loves you.

Did you pray and whole-heartedly give it to Him? Okay good!

Look back on some key situations in your life and see how they have played together into your future. I can guarantee --well God can guarantee and I can have faith in His guarantee-- that He has worked them together for good. Here's an small example of His faithfulness: since summer I have been trying to figure out nursing school stuff and get into classes. Too say the least it's been frustrating, overwhelming, up in the air, and a drawn out waiting game. After months of taking on the daunting task of trying to work out everything on my own, I finally REALLY gave it up to God and guess what? Not only was it a relief to relish control, but it worked out far better than I could have ever planned myself! Not only did I get enrolled into the classes I need, but I also am able to stay at my job (which means $ and benefits), and I had to learn to trust His will and timing for my life (which I know I will continually have to re-learn). Amen!

I like how Oswald Chambers describes the testing of our faith:

"The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work for God, but that He will be free to do His work through us. God calls us to His service and places tremendous responsibilities on us. He expects no complaining on our part and offers no explanation on His part. God wants to use us as He used His own son."

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just The Way You Are

This afternoon I opened up my Max Lucado, "Grace For the Moment" daily devotional and read words that I needed to be reminded of. As you can see, it's been tough lately for me to get in the word and get a good post on here. I got caught up in the rush and recovery of the holiday season, a double cold, and then a trip to my home state of Colorado. I saw this and it met me right where I am today. I thought I'd post Max's insight on here for you too because no matter where we are in life, how strong or weak we think our faith is, or if you aren't even living a life that reflects God---that's okay! Come as you are...rest in these words and know that YOU ARE LOVED!

Max writes:

"God loves you the way you are, but he refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. If you think his love for you would be stronger if your faith were, you are wrong. If you think his love would be deeper if your thoughts were, wrong again. Don't confuse God's love with the love of people. The love of people often increases with performance and decreases with mistakes. Not so with God's love. He loves you right where you are."

This reminds me of that Billy Joels song from the 80's... "Just The Way You Are!" It's stuck in my head and I can't seem to get it out (and I only know one line of the song), but I guess it is a great reminder that God loves me and you, just the way we are.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Proof of His Light.

Good Morning Faithful Readers.

This morning I was catching up on Lorrie's Cancer blog (http://www.lorriscancerupdates.blogspot.com/) and read something that really touched me. Lorrie posted a prayer request from a friend for a little girl named Jaiden Tlapa.

Before Christmas, 8 year old Jaiden was playing in front of her house when she slipped and fell into a snow blower. She is currently at Children's Hospital in Boston on life support and her family is fully relying on prayer and faith in God for her recovery. I have included the blog that the family has started so you guys can post prayers on there and read the updates on Jaiden and her progress. She is a beautiful little girl and her story has changed lives around the world--many have been inspired to give their lives to Christ and to put Him in the center of their lives.

Here is the blog:

I hope this touches you as much as it did me. If anything I hope you realize how powerful our God truly is and know that your problems-- no matter how big or small they may be--that He is there with you in them--facing them with you. He is a God that can do anything! As my blog from yesterday says, He really is the light and no darkness can overcome His light.

Please pray for this little girl and her family.

Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up Jaiden and her family to you Lord. I pray for a covering over them and a shield of protection. Be with them through this challenging time and continue to reveal your love to them. Be their light and don't let them be discouraged from the darkness they are facing. I pray you continue to heal Jaiden and that more and more people continue to hear about her story and are touched by it and the works you are doing through Jaiden. Thank you Lord for being a Father that heals. Amen.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

There Is No Dark Side.

"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." John 1:5
The darkness can never overcome the light. No matter what dark alley you may find yourself in, or what rain storm you may be in the middle of, whatever horrible life situation you stumble into, the light will always prevail over the dark.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, it's not even at the end...it's right there with you through the whole thing...no matter how far it is and not matter how long you have to hold you breath and make a wish. The light is there.

He is the light and will never lose His flame. Whether His light looks like a small flickering candle or a match that won't stay lit, He is always there with you, ready to be your bonfire if you will, no matter what you are facing in life.

So remember that when you feel like there is nothing else or no one there to guide you through look for the light, feel it burning in your heart and you will get through anything and be able to do whatever you set your heart and mind to.

...the darkness will never overcome the light...