Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Enjoy The Challenge.

"...Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. 'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,' they said." Acts 14:22

Last week my women's bible study started back up, after about a month off. After praying about which study to partake in I decided that I was being led to do a Beth Moore study called, "Living Beyond Yourself, Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit." I was also led to break away from my original bible study group consisting of all girls in their twenties, and join a group of older women so that I could be better discipled.

As last Wednesday approached I began to get anxious about not knowing which group I would be joining, being twenty-three and join a group of women age 50+ can be a bit intimidating. I was told to sign-in and pick a table which would then be my new bible study group. I walked into a room full of women I'd never seen before and quickly paced around the room hoping and praying someone would just ask me to sit down. It's funny how God works though...He doesn't always make it easy on us, in fact more times than not God provides a good challenge for us to learn and grow from. I know it sounds silly, but to me this was one of those challenges. Luckily, after a few minutes of stalling I ran into a woman I knew and she quickly and sweetly sat me at just the right table for me (thanks God). A small group, with only four other women. I knew they were excited and I could tell they knew I was nervous.

The bible study video began, and Beth Moore talked for almost an hour on Living Beyond Yourself. It was one of those nights where God has right where He wants you. You are in a great mood, have an open heart, and aren't distracted by the things that normally pick your brain. On this night not only was I nervous about the bible study group, but I was also overly consumed with school starting and not receiving my books in time and wondering why God is calling me into nursing when I am the most un-scientific person in the world. Don't even ask me how many times I have taken Chemistry :). I was truly doubting until I got into bible study and sat down.

Anyway, Beth Moore shared the verse above and it completely struck me in the place I was at that night...and even again as I read it today....

I was reminded that my purpose in life is to live beyond myself. Our faith isn't supposed to be easy, it's not going to be handed to us on a silver platter. Instead it is meant to be a stretch for us, but God never says it will be a stretch for Him. Having a relationship with God means living far beyond ourselves and remembering that in Christ we can do what we normally wouldn't be able too.

Beth Moore reminds us that through our relationship with Christ you can:
"Do things I couldn't, Feel things I didn't, and Know things I wouldn't."

Just the reminder I needed as I join a new bible study group which is outside of my comfort zone and as school begins, which I will only be able to accomplish and survive with Christ guiding me through each and every class.

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