Tuesday, January 8, 2008

There Is No Dark Side.

"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." John 1:5
The darkness can never overcome the light. No matter what dark alley you may find yourself in, or what rain storm you may be in the middle of, whatever horrible life situation you stumble into, the light will always prevail over the dark.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, it's not even at the end...it's right there with you through the whole thing...no matter how far it is and not matter how long you have to hold you breath and make a wish. The light is there.

He is the light and will never lose His flame. Whether His light looks like a small flickering candle or a match that won't stay lit, He is always there with you, ready to be your bonfire if you will, no matter what you are facing in life.

So remember that when you feel like there is nothing else or no one there to guide you through look for the light, feel it burning in your heart and you will get through anything and be able to do whatever you set your heart and mind to.

...the darkness will never overcome the light...


Marlene said...

Megan or do you like Meg? I really enjoyed reading your blog. I am glad you decided to do it. YOU are a sensitive gifted writer and I enjoyed your insight. Thanks for sharing. Love, Marlene

Megan Cooper said...

Thanks Marlene! That means a lot to me and I really appreciate the encouragement. It's great to know that someone is reading it. :) Thanks for reading. Love, Meg