Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Follow The Leader.

"Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow....Who are those who fear the Lord? He will show them the path they should choose."
Psalm 25:4,12 (NLT)

-a way beaten, formed, or trodden
-narrow walk or way
-route, course
-course of action or conduct

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like the Lord isn't there to guide you? Like there isn't even dust getting your feet dirty from the supposed "path" you are on? Do you feel like you are throwing arrow prayers in the air just for them to miss the target and come back down landing at your feet?

This last question gives me the best visual. For those of you who have seen the movie, "Garden State" (if you haven't--you should), there is a scene where this guy is outside throwing flamming arrows into the sky and the main characters are all running around the grass hoping not to get hit by the fire arrow when it comes down. It ends up landing right next to the girl's foot and she pulls on her ear to secretly signal to her friend she's definitely ready to go. Time for a new path!

Don't you wish you could simply look up to God, tug on your earlobe, and suddenly a new path would be laid in front of you?

When you look back at these certain times in your life, once your feet are firmly planted on a path, you see God was there the whole time. He's answering prayers left and right, but in different ways than you expected. He brought you back around to the narrow path and look where you are now. It may be hard to see when you are living in the meantime, but when you turn the corner from the invisible path to "highway 101," or whatever path God chooses for you (remember EVERYONE'S is DIFFERENT) see that Jesus was there all along guiding you, pulling you, loving you, and preparing you for your chosen path.

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