Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Open to Opportunity.

"What he opens, no on can close; and what he closes, no one can open. I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close." Revelation 3:7-8

Here is the first verse to start my blog adventure! To put it simply...this is the verse God opened my eyes to today.

This totally speaks to me at this time in my life. Being in your 20's is a strange time in life. Lately, it's been called, "Living in the Meantime" for me. It's that unplanned time after college, before family, and a "real" career, if there is such a thing. There are transitions left and right, and opportunities every way you turn, but no clear directions pointing you to the path you should take. There are all these decisions that need to be made now that will affect the rest of your life, and somehow all these decisions can wait.

That's exactly the point I'm at.
God's telling me to wait on HIS timing.
He WILL OPEN what needs to be opened and CLOSE what needs to be closed.

Right when I read this verse, a few examples of this popped into my head of how God has already worked in certain areas of my life. I'll share...
1. He's blessed me with a move to CA in the last year and a half to be with my family who has shown me Christ through their love. Only He could open that door...it was His perfect timing.

2. He closed the door on a really really unhealthy relationship in my life...which can never be opened back up. Praise the Lord.

3. He opened up a job opportunity a month after my move here. A job that was literally created and designed for me at this time in my life. No HR Hiring director could close that door, or my young age and lack of experience couldn't stop me from being hired because God OPENED the opportunity up for me.

What has God opened or closed for you recently? Did he provide a friendship for you at just the right time? Maybe it was a specific moment, you know one of those "Sure God Moments" that the only explanation for that moment was God. If you can't think of anything...pray about it. Look at the big AND small things in your life. God will show you what He is doing and what He has done.

What things in your life do you want God to open or close for you in the near future?
Again, pray about it.

This blog is getting lengthy, so I'll end it by sharing with you the things I need to trust God in opening....
1. Nursing School--acceptance, getting into the pre-req. classes that I need.
2. Relationships. Deepening my friendships. Possibility of leading a girls high school aged bible study group.
3. I need to trust God in closing the door to Lorri's cancer. :) Again, read her blog...it will change your life daily.

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