Monday, November 19, 2007

Yup, He's Still There.

As you can see...I've missed the last couple of days of blogging. I haven't forgotten about you guys or my daily blogging goal...but I've been computerless. A group of girls and I went to Arnold this weekend. A small mountain-like town with beautiful redwood trees and quiet. Lots of quiet (minus the laughter the girls added to the peaceful oasis)! Anyway, I was excited to post today since I've missed out on it the last couple of days and found just the perfect verse to write on.

At my desk I keep this book called, "Grace for the Moment" by Max Lucado. Basically, it has verses and stories for every single day of the year. I opened the book to today, November 19th and found just the right of those verses that meets me right where I am today--feeling guilty for not getting into the word this weekend while being away (what can I say--climbing through redwood trees was much more appealing).

"If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful, because he cannot be false to himself."
2 Timothy 2:13

Thanks God for being faithful to me, even when I am not at my best, on top of my game, or acting upon each moment given to me by you. Thank you for still being there in the quiet, in the noise, in the distraction, in this crazed holiday season, in times of the "unknown", and in doubt. You are truly an AWESOME and FAITHFUL God, that even when I can't see or feel you, and my faith feels like it's just about to run are there and more faithful than ever.

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