Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Whale Of A Time

"From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God..." Jonah 2:1

What whale's belly are you in? Are you praying to get out or are you barely above water surrounded by stinky belly fish? Whatever your situation, I hope you are praying, and praying constantly. I hope you don't feel uncomfortable in the silence of prayer and I hope you realize that however big or small of a belly you are in, that God is in there with you, rotten fish smell and all...ready to help you out.

Turn off your car radio...and pray. People will think you are jamming to a hit song on the radio...or with blue tooth these days...they may think you are chatting it up with a long time friend...which you are! Go on a long run outside and pray. Pray about the weather, the beautiful scenery, or simply thank him for your nike's...once you start you will find things to pray about (and end up 2 miles farther than expected). Put down the remote, open a journal and write out your prayer requests to God. He's there. He always matter what belly you are in, no matter what ocean you may find yourself, He's there avoiding the taste of salt water right there with you. He loves you and He wants you to pray to Him---whenever, wherever, and however you can! Let's remember Jonah this week and be whale belly pray-ers!

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