Monday, November 26, 2007

Pumpkin Pancake Unbelief.

"Don't take the pressure of your provision upon yourself. It is not only wrong to worry, it is unbelief; worrying means we do not believe that God can look after the practical details of our lives..." ~Oswald Chambers~

I heard a heart warming story last night from one of my "God Girls" Heidi (see pic below of Heidi and I being goofballs). Let me set the scene and give you some background. Heidi is an amazing all around person---one of those people that no matter what situation you meet her in she brings life, joy, fun, and laughter. She's one of those people that everyone wants to know because she brings out the best in people and is not only honestly comfortable in any situation, but finds the joy and life in every situation. Heidi is currently a teacher at a low-income elementary school for a 5th grade class. Think of the worst family situations imaginable (parents from gangs, to jailed parents, etc.) and those are the kids she teaches. Heidi is facing struggles of her own and is constantly seeking and trusting God for her worries. Last night she told us this story.....

It was around 7:30am (an hour before school starts) and Heidi was at school early (as always) preparing for the day feeling as if it was, "just another day" and had more than enough of her own "life worries" on her mind to keep her pre-occupied. She heard a little knock on her classroom door--only to look up to see her student Lattrell standing at the door. Heidi opened the door and let little Lattrell in, asking why he came to school so early. Unexpectedly, Lattrell told her he had something for her. In his little hands were fresh, hot, pancakes, pumpkin pancakes wrapped in foil. He held out his other hand which held a ziplock bag filled with mapel syrup. Confused, Heidi asked where Lattrell had gotten the pancakes...with sleep-filled eyes he told her that he got up early and made them for her in his apartment!!! His Grandma had taught him a while back how to make them, and that morning he woke up extra early to suprise her telling her, "I knew you would want to eat these." Heidi's heart broke as she hadn't eaten breakfast that morning and was shocked and filled with unbelief that God had a 10-year old boy provide breakfast for her that morning.

It's amazing to me that God uses people, things, and situations the way he does. Never in my wildest imagination would I think that God could use Pumpkin Pancakes to soften my heart and dissapate my unbelief. I guess I expect different from God. He is SO big, yet I find myself missing Him daily because I'm too busy worrying about life or expecting Him to answer me in a different way, instead of letting him finish what He has started.

This week I'm going to stop worrying about nursing school pre-reqs and admissions. I'm going to stop worrying that my hair isn't perfect and that my car is dirty. I'm going to stop worrying about where I'll be in January. I'm going to start trusting the Lord and stop letting my worry turn into unbelief. God is big and real and is who He says He is. This week I'm putting my faith to the test and trusting our Pumpkin Pancake God.

" not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; not about your body, what you will put on." Matthew 6:25

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love hearing this story over and over again. It never gets old. And I love your take on it as well. Lovin' your blog. Look forward to reading it everyday.
Your big sis